Changing The Pattern

Changing The Pattern: Rewiring Lifestyle Habits For Personal Growth & Lasting Change

Breaking the cycle: Identifying unhelpful patterns

Changing the pattern is about identifying lifestyle habits that have outgrown their purposefulness. However, that’s not the entire story! Learning and growing does not always come from our head, a guru, a book or blog, but from the experiences we have themselves.

As a counselor and yoga life coach, many clients have come to me to sort through their pain, but in reality are running or trying to escape it. But the way out is often going through it…leaning into it… in order to find the lessons within it. Learning -and for that matter, life- is a spiritual process of discovery, filled with twists and turns, ups ad downs, unexpected surprises, confusion, hurts, curiosity, and mistakes. If allowed, we can trust this process or the experiences we go through, to reveal the lessons we need and that guide us on the path toward growth. Not easy, I know!

“If you don’t like the road you’re on, start paving another one” ~ Dolly Parton

Unplug and Reset: Digital Detox for Mental Clarity

Observe, Unravel, & Rebuild To Shift Lifestyle Habits

Rewiring unhelpful lifestyle patterns requires self observation or self-reflection and awareness. The answers cannot be found outside of ourselves. Our inner landscape holds the secret and is the magic that sends us down the path to true well-being.

Once revealed, we dive deeper inward, to begin to unravel those things that keep us stuck. Then the rebuilding can begin. But fair warning, the following information may sound simple, but gaining proficiency over your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions is not easy! Proceed with curiosity rather than judgement, courage rather than fear, and compassion for yourself and the experiences that have brought you to this point in your life. Let the observation begin!

Rewiring Habits Beginning With… Life Satisfaction

As we begin this journey, let’s pause for a moment and reflect on our current state of life satisfaction. Use the following template from the works of Ed Diener to consider your starting point. This will begin to give you insight into your current nature.

Out of sync symptoms signals the need to take a look at your lifestyle habits…

Now that you have some insight, I’d like to suggest an valuable activity for documenting your journey… the action of journaling. Take time to write down thoughts, insights, questions, and so on. Use the prompts given throughout this blog series to assist in uncovering what lies within.

Journal Topic: 1. What are your thoughts regarding your life satisfaction 2. In what ways do you feel out of sync with life? What do you hope to get out of action of self inquiry?

A change in patterns leads to a change in life!

Hello. Welcome to Changing The Pattern Blog. This blog is dedicated to personal transformation and self-improvement. Our mission is to empower individuals to break old habits and embark on a journey to a happier, healthier you. Whether you're looking to improve mental or emotional health, build better routines, or achieve specific personal goals, Changing The Pattern is here to guide you on every step of your journey. We will provide tools, practical advice, research-based insights, and the support needed to make real and lasting change.