Identifying Lifestyle Patterns for Improved Mental and Emotional Well-Being
I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday ~ Elenor Roosevelt Today we will take a look at how the choices that we’ve made, not only in the past, but also in the present moment, lead to the lifestyle we are currently living. Our journey today will assist us in identifying lifestyle habits and self sabotaging behaviors, in order to change the pattern for improved mental and emotional well-being. As Elenor Roosevelt so aptly reminds, “I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.“. Over time these choices become habits that create our lifestyle. These habits include our thoughts, emotions, and…
Rewiring your mind for lasting habit change: Becoming a super sleuth
Winnie The Pooh – I always get to where I’m going by walking away from where I have been In our last post, we began to rewire your mind for lasting habit change by noticing and becoming aware of where life dissatisfaction resides. We identified some preliminary ideas of where our lives may be “out of sync.” You can find that post here. In this post we begin to explore the idea of “rewiring your mind for lasting change” a little deeper, through one of the core-elements of changing the pattern; observation. Become A Super Sleuth Compassionate and curious self-awareness is the first step toward change or improvement. Everyday we…
Changing The Pattern: Rewiring Lifestyle Habits For Personal Growth & Lasting Change
Changing the pattern for personal growth and sustainable change